Category: UncategorisedPage 1 of 3

Development Stack

Well there are number of development stack in the market like Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP and MongoDB, Express.js , React.js , Node.js etc.Well i would like to choose…

Digital Marketing

List of the marketing Social media marketing Mobile marketing Display marketing Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing Search engine optimization (SEO) marketing This is the order that is will choose for…

Moderated Testing

 context questions What kind of work do you do? What do you do when you are not working? What do you do to take care of yourself? Tasks…

Unmoderated Testing

well in  Unmoderated usability test there are different types of testing but the three i will choose are card sorting, tree testing and first click testing  of the…


Project Brief

Project Brief Budget Estimate  


PILOT(Mary):  The pilot should get different destinations to fly because it will be more fun for him and he will be more excited for his next flight. As…


  Developer Technical team lead – provides technical direction, makes decisions on feasibility of the product (can we make it?), helps set the budget Front-end developer – codes…


Entertainment:Netflix Essentially, the only source of revenue for the site is its subscriptions. Streaming services are available at three tiers, with higher-cost subscriptions offering streaming to additional devices…


SaaS:Wix The business model of Wix is based on charging customers for monthly subscription plans. Other streams of income include shared revenue from third-party apps and mailboxes, one-time fees from…